I want to do the Do!!
Welcome to Sarahblogz!!
Guys!! I legit grew up with the mindset that sexual urge is a sin. Today, I look back and I’m grateful for my mentors.
Stop looking at me like it has never crossed your mind. Yes you know what I’m talking about!!
So I grew up with the understanding that you can only do the ‘Do’ within the confines of marriage. I got confused about this basic understanding I had and still have when I discovered that it is no big deal out there. What changed?
“I want to do the Do” is a Nigerian expression of a desire for sexual intimacy or simply put sexual urge.
Nobody wants to talk about sexual urges!!
Dear reader, Man is a sexual being which suggests that we all have sexual urges. However, I’m more concerned about what we do with the sexual urges. If you’re not married like me, there is nothing we can do about it other than to shake it OFF and walk away!!
Below are four tips I have found helpful:
1. GET OUT OF THAT DARK AND QUIET ROOM!! This will help to keep our minds from nursing bad thoughts that might result in watching porn or masturbating just so we can satisfy this urge.
2.PUT AWAY MOBILE DEVICES!! I know we use smart devices but we shouldn’t let them outsmart us!! We will save ourselves the trouble of sexting, dirty calls and the likes.
3. BREAK OFF UNHEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS!! A good relationship promotes healthy communication and challenges us to be better versions of ourselves.
4.HAVE ACCOUNTABILITY PARTNERS. People who look out for you are your greatest assets. May God bless them!!
Shout out to everyone who has looked out for someone. You are an asset!!
Remember that in my last post we agreed that we want to blow!! Thus,let us direct our energy to what really matters. Be productive!! If we can not control our sexual desires, then our dreams might have to go on suspension.
Personally, my relationship with JESUS has been my biggest advantage in overcoming this struggle. What’s yours?
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Love always.