Sam the lover boy was attacked by a lion on his way to get his wife from her parents as seen in the last episode. Suddenly, an unusual divine might and strength came upon him and whoop!!! he wrestled with the lion and killed it. He literally ripped the lion’s jaws apart with his bare hands. I can bet the few times you have seen a lion, it was tamed in a zoo or perhaps in movies. Who kills a lion with bare hands?? Sam did not tell his parents about the lion.

Later, when he returned for the wedding, he turned off the path to examine the carcass of the lion. Guess what he found!! a swarm of bees and they had made some honey in the carcass. He scooped some honey to eat and also gave his parents to eat. Then, he organised a seven-day bachelor’s party before his wedding and put out a riddle to the young men from his lady’s side on the condition that if they could not solve the riddle correctly, they will give him thirty linen garments and thirty set of clothes and vice versa.

Fast forward to three days into the feast, the young men still could not solve the riddle and simply turned to Sam’s wife to-be for help. You can tell already that women are powerful!! she nagged till Sam told her the answer to the riddle. The young men got to solve the riddle because his lady told them. Sam was so angry!!! He went to another town killed thirty men, stripped them of their clothes to give the young men that solved the riddle.

Sam the lover boy was so infuriated that he left for his father’s house. Last Last!! His wife was given to his best man…LOOL Kasala have burst!! Let’s see what happens next week..

Here are some lessons from today’s episode:

  1. You can not do without divine strength
  2. Wait for the honey from the dead lion.
  3. Stop putting pressure on people
  4. Control your emotions


There are some situations in life that can not be tackled with physical strength. You need to be empowered by divine strength through the Holy Spirit to be able to overcome. Sam would have been dead but thankfully he was helped. Ask the Holy Spirit for help today.


I am not sure what you consider as dead in any area of your life. Trust me, honey can still come from it. I even discovered that the market value of a lion increases when it is dead. Preservers of nature are coming for me!!! Run Run Run!!! LOOL. You get the gist: don’t give up!!


it is perceived that women are experts in putting pressure on men. I hope it is not true though. Whatever it is that you do, don’t try to pressure people into doing things against their wish. Personally, I can not pressure my female friend to date another male friend of mine because it has to be her decision. Give people the chance to make their decisions. Pray and counsel them but no pressure please!!!


Your emotions are God’s gifts and should be used for His glory. Anger rests in the bosom of fools. You can have the whole world under your feet but if you can not control your emotions, you will find yourself trodden by the whole world. But don’t forget that anger is not the only expression of your emotion. Give your emotions to God today!!

Thank you for reading!!

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Love always

3 thoughts on “SAM: THE LOVER BOY II”

  1. There are some situations in life that can not be tackled with physical strength. You need to be empowered by divine strength through the Holy Spirit to be able to overcome. Sam would have been dead but thankfully he was helped. Ask the Holy Spirit for help today.!!!!!

    Thank you so much for this insightful and interesting post.
    Is this why you launched your honey business?
    Whoooossh! We are coming to shop with you.

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